Friday, June 20, 2008


We just caught our first bullfrog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here are a couple pictures of it.
After some research, I know that it is a juvenile bullfrog (because of the size!!!) and think it is a female. It is also the Oklahoma state amphibian. These guys can get biiiiig, almost 8 inches!! Even their tadpoles are big and can take more than 2 years to turn into frogs!!!

See you (y'all) later!


Anonymous said...

Hey Vince- Kewl blog! I love frogs. We have seen sooo many bugs and various critters including a huge, mean snapping turtle and a big red earred slider since moving to Inola. I was playing with a tree frog a couple of days ago...they are my fav (I voted on your poll).
I'll have to tell Zac about your blog.
Have fun! :c)
Miss Melissa (Zac's mom)

Anonymous said...

oh boy, frogs.. just kidding. i love frogs because they eat bugs! YAY!! Anyway, how's Oklahoma treating you? I hope you catch more frogs!(but then set them free, because they can't eat buggies indoors!)E-mail me!
-Katherine :)

Anonymous said...

Cool blog Vince! Sam and Ike loved the pictures of the frog! Sam LOVES frogs. We have a fire-belly frog in our house.
Take Care!
The Fishers